Top 10 Technology Blogs for Latest Tech Updates!

Are you searching for blogs on technology or Technology Blogs to stay up-to-date with the latest technology fashion No worries! Your search is over! Continue reading…

People from all backgrounds are fascinated by the speed at which technology developing in shaping shapes in the digital age!

With new trends in technology coming out every quarter and information being outdated with the advancement of technology and advances, it’s imperative to keep up-to-date and educate yourself about the latest technologies, digital industries social media, and the internet as a whole!

The question is: how?

Well millions of tech enthusiasts and businesses from all fields, should join Provident to provide the most recent news on technology updates more quickly than the other sites.

These blogs on technology do not just focus on the latest technological advancements but can also assist readers to stay on top of the game by identifying current trends in technology!

We have a technology list of the top 10 technology blogs, which will provide you with the most current information from all over the world.

These blogs on the latest technology will provide you with a continuous flow of fresh ideas about technology. It doesn’t matter if it’s news or new gadgets that provide you with all the latest news from the technological world!

Keep up with the times by reading these 10 blogs on technology:

Professions across all industries struggle to stay up with the latest tech developments. Therefore, the most effective and most effective way of technology is the world of technology is to use information!

If you’re looking for informative articles as well as information from the tech world it is essential to check out blogs that are regularly updated by experts who are knowledgeable about the latest trends and market and are passionate about providing quality information to their users.

Let’s look at the top technology blogs on the web!!

1. Wired

  • Founder: Louis Rossetto, Jane Metcalfe
  • Year Started: 1993
  • Domain Authority: 94

Wired is a hugely popular publication that excels in capturing genuine insight into the world of technology and is no stranger to subjects like entertainment, technology as well as science, culture as well as politics along social media. Informative and thorough, Wired is basically the ideal tech blog to follow.

It will answer every query concerning technological trends as well as gadget reviews and the latest news.

Wired is considered to be one of the top technology blogs for professionals in all industries and provides amazing ideas to present the most relevant subjects to your target audience.

2. TechCrunch

  • Founder: Michael Arrington, Keith Teare
  • Year Started: 2005
  • Domain Authority: 94

Make sure you are a part of the business side of technology by reading TechCrunch, one of the top well-known technology blogs in the world- TechCrunch.

The blog is a source of information on tech-related companies including analysis of new technologies, news, and lists of tech-related products that are new to the marketplace. It was one of the first blogs to report in detail about tech startups and rounds of funding.

TechCrunch gives information about the latest technology and business-related applications. It’s like a repository of knowledge about Internet businesses and startups all over the globe.

3. Recode

  • Founder: Kara Swisher
  • Year Started: 2014
  • Domain Authority: 93

Now, being owned and operated by VOX Media Recode provides the latest current technology news, trends in analysis and opinions from the most well-known and knowledgeable journalists and bloggers in the fields of technology and media.

Recode is revealing and describing how the world of technology is evolving by focusing on the companies in Silicon Valley.

The blog’s founder Kara Swisher has all the connections to the most recent tech tools and tips that make it a dependable technology blog that you can read!

4. Mashable

  • Founder: Pete Cashmoreg
  • Year Started: 2005
  • Domain Authority: 93

Mashable is a renowned global entertainment with a multi-platform platform media outlet.

Based on its proprietary technology, this blog is the most trusted source for digital, tech, media, and entertainment for its dedicated and discerning international readership!

It is among the most popular blogs on technology today on the internet!

Mashable offers information to people who would like to stay up-to-date on everything that is happening in the world of technology, including travel, movies finance, and of course, gadgets.


  • Founder: Halsey Minor, Shelby Bonnie
  • Year Started: 1994
  • Domain Authority: 93

Staying up to date with the latest trends in consumer technology with unwavering accuracy, CNET is one of the most popular technology blogs you will find in this listing.

CNET keeps ahead of the game by distributing its knowledge of every kind of amazing technological product, the latest trends, and providing honest reviews.

It provides trustworthy tutorials, videos for instruction, and the most up-to-date information about everything from sports to technology. When you’re considering purchasing an expensive new device, CNET should be your first stop for honest reviews and prices that make it among the top tech blogs to visit.

6. The Verge

  • Founder: Joshua Topolsky, Jim Bankoff, Marty Moe
  • Year Started: 2011
  • Domain Authority: 92

Another very informative tech blog run through VOX Media publishing news, feature stories, guidebook reviews of products, and podcasts. The Verge!

It has broad coverage and a variety of personal perspectives. Their gadget reviews will determine what technology will become in the near future.

More than just a tech magazine, The Verge is arguably the most knowledgeable website about the latest trends and products. The renowned technology blog appears to have access to almost every technology product, often before the product has even been launched or is fully developed.

7. VentureBeat

  • Founder: Matt Marshall
  • Year Started: 2006
  • Domain Authority: 92

VentureBeat is among the most popular tech blogs to cover innovative tech events and news.

It provides breaking news and complete content regarding top technology companies as well as sharp reporting on the industry of games. The blog is composed of a collection of tech-related news, and articles including newsletters, general news, and business.

There is a wealth of information on gaming, and transformative technology AR/VR, AI, 5G, and more. VentureBeat is also well-known for putting on big events centered around the latest technology and bold concepts.

8. Slashdot

  • Founder: Rob Malda, Jeff Bates
  • Year Started: 1997
  • Domain Authority: 90

Slashdot is a classic with an early 2000s look by incorporating features to upvote and summaries of sources.

This technology blog is packed with information on open source and security, gadget review products, management of products, apps, and many other trends.

It was originally marketed in the beginning as “News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters”. Slashdot also has news articles on science, technology, and politics. The timeless tech look and feel, with no advertising distractions like other publications is the reason why Slashdot is the most popular blog.

9. Gizmodo

  • Founder: Pete Rojas
  • Year Started: 2001
  • Domain Authority: 90

Gizmodo is the top online technology site to stay up-to-date with all the latest news about the latest gadgets. There, you can read guides and tutorials which provide information on the latest gadgets on the market.

In addition, this blog provides the most current details on cutting-edge technologies.

Gizmodo, a popular technology blog and news website keeps its finger on the ever-changing world of technology to its users. It is worth noting that, as with other tech websites, Gizmodo holds a progressive edge.

10. Engadget

  • Founder: Pete Rojas
  • Year Started: 2004
  • Domain Authority: 90

Engadget has grown from a small news agency to become a world-class tech blog that has millions of users to join!

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The blog’s readers come here to read the most recent reviews and the latest news on entertainment technology blogs, gaming, and other areas and are left both happy and well-informed. The tech blog can be used to delve into the archives of a few of the most popular old tech magazines.

Engadget provides information related to the most recent hardware devices and games, gadgets and NASA technology.

With an extra video section that takes you through the features and the way it looks, Engadget is a great blog for those who love technology!

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